hello world

"When you look at a cupcake, you've got to smile."
---Ann Bryn

I see cupcakes everywhere. Ever since I found this quote by Ann Bryn, author of Cupcakes: From the Cake Mix Doctor. I've been searching for creative inspiration all winter. Online. Offline. Nothing really hit me until I came across a cupcake on marthastewart.com. It really did make me smile which led to a search for quotes about cupcakes. There it was. Then came the idea to use these sweet little things as a theme for my projects. So that's what I'll blog about.

And of course I'll blog about real cupcakes too. There just happens to be a yummy gourmet cupcake store 1/2 a mile from me. Too close and too dangerous so I've been avoiding it all summer. But resistance is futile. I walked in the other day 'just to see' and there it was sitting under glass calling to me. The last one. Golden and lemony with sunny frosted peaks and swirls. Sigh. So much for the 2 baby miles I walked that morning. First bite. Tart and sweet. Like a brisk walk on a crisp spring day. Second bite. Yummy lemon custard filling! Ok I'll only eat half and save the other half for my son. Fifth bite. I did save him the last quarter, stuffed into the miniature paper cup I got for water. Bad bad mommy.

Today is Day #1 for my cupcake project. I should clarify that I mean a paper mache one, not a baked one. That means gathering supplies (i.e. lots of newspapers). Since we stopped getting the paper I'll have to see where I can grab a bunch. So I'm off now. Maybe I'll pick up the rest of that cupcake for my son. Maybe he'll share with me!

1 comment:

Petunia said...

Happy 3 year blog anniversary!